Our Preschool Program
Lessard Playschool offers:
- Teacher and an assistant in each class.
- The teacher adapts to the environment/students.
- Explore various topics of interest, holidays, colors, numbers, letters, shapes, etc.
- Learn through play program
- Safe and Welcoming setting
- Interactive and engaging experience
- An environment that meets social, emotional, cognitive, physical, and intellectual needs
- Indoor Gym
- Outdoor playground
- Celebrate Star Student, Birthdays, Class Parties, and General Canadian Holidays.
- Music Program (may be planned throughout the year)
- Field Trips (may be planned throughout the year)
- Peanut and Nut Free Facility. Bring your own snack.
- Non-profit, licensed, and parent co-operative
- No bingo shifts or parent roster commitments
- OPT outs for Fundraising and Parent Committee
- A child must be fully INDEPENDENT IN BATHROOM to join our program.
3 & 4-Year-Old Playschool Program
Tuesday & Thursday AM
- $80.00 / month ($180 – $100* child care affordability grant funds *subject to change)
- 9:00 am – 11:15 am
- Students must be three years old by December 31st to attend the program. Students must be fully toilet trained.
- Maximum of 16 students enrolled
- Lead Teacher – Miss Jen
- Teacher Assistant – Miss Melissa
*subject to change. The current agreement indicates an affordability grant of $100/month per registered child. This grant is subject to change should the government agreement be modified in any way.

4-Year Preschool Program
Monday, Wednesday, Friday AM – 4-year-olds
- $115.00 / month ($215 – $100* child care operating grant funds *subject to change)
- 9:00 am – 11:30 am
- Students must be four years old by December 31st to attend the program. Students must be fully toilet trained.
- Maximum of 18 students enrolled
- Teacher – Miss Jen
- Teacher Assistant – Miss Melissa
*subject to change. The current agreement indicates an affordability grant of $100/month per registered child. This grant is subject to change should the government agreement be modified in any way.

Take a tour of our fun environment by visiting our photo gallery!